Monday, March 8, 2010

OH/NH wars

I know i'm playing with fire by writing this one. Guess it happens after watching a movie like Hurt Locker.

As far as this format is concerned, just want to prove a point. If something informal like a blog can be written sticking to a format, why can't this much minimal effort be put into the most important annual report released on an official website. And i also proof-read it.


Girls are agitated........ I just got slaughtered on Buzz by three females.

Guys are rejoicing....... They have a hostel to their own.

Honorary Roomies......  Devastated.

All due to one decision.

But, my blog got the "Next Big Conspiracy" that it desperately needed to stay alive.

Personal Opinion
  1.  I like OH. NH seems like a place for loners. Privacy - I don't need. It's fine if I share my day to day life with 5 other friends.
  2. In the current situation, deciding who stays where can be decided by any of the below mentioned processes (read Methodology). I find the third option as the best.
  3. I'm here for summers. So, I don't have to stuff my luggage in the basement.

The decision can be taken in 3 ways -
  1. Toss a coin - I guess, then the decision will be "fair".
          Source : "The Dark Knight",Motion Picture, 2007

    2.  Tug-of-war - Let the warring parties battle it out in Lover's Lane (the place which is going to be   deserted after the mass migration)

        The match can be between : Guys vs Girls (We can even have the Women's reservation bill implemented in team formation) or more relevant, Couples vs. Their Past Relations (I'll be dead, if i take any names here)

    3.  Open for all - Float a spreadsheet as to who want to stay where. Girls/Boys in NH or OH or live-in's. An IB college should go in for International Best Practices.

I want to write more. Have some new ideas like - "Who'll be the most affected post-partition?". Tomorrow, maybe.

Opinions/Suggestions/Critique in comments please.


  1. track d first mail that started this conundrum and u knw d ans amit ;)

  2. Love this Post!! Well I Like OH too!! I doubt there will be any satisfactory solution to this problem...Will stay tuned to your blog for the interesting tidbits..

  3. ur a great writer Chawla.... no doubt..... satire n wit are overflowing....

  4. hmmm ...funny ..witty ...and crisp ..
    vintage chawla..
