Thursday, January 21, 2010

People of Mango Forum

Statutory Warning - The following contents may create history. So don't get left out, be a part of it.

 PMF Charter

People of Mango Forum (PMF) is a Non Government Body (NGB) registered under no act. It is formed to help the Aam Aadmi (read Mango People) of our institute, who do not have any role whatsoever in any of the serious committees that have been formed or will be formed in the future.

To do nothing substantial. As it is life is short, why waste time on serious matters ?

This forum provides a sense of belonging to fellow individuals, who do not get a chance to wear formals at odd hours, venture out of the campus for pitching/sponsorship, perform cold calling 24X7, assign DGP's or gather a batch meet.

 (I still don't know the difference between vision and mission)

Membership Details
Anybody can join, provided he/she is not a member of any official committee. No joining fee (We don't want funds to be confiscated to sponsor upcoming college events). And no DCP's please!


1. There shall be no elections/interview. Each member is free to choose his/her own designation.

e.g - I appoint myself as the President of PMF. Similarly, you can choose any post you like. Just declare it on the blog (comments section).

2. Batch meets will be held at the most obscure places like mess, lover's lane (we'll make sure nobody is disturbed) etc. It will not amount to wastage of time, because our time is not precious, as it is.

3. The forum is not answerable to anybody and we do not need a PR agency. Word of mouth/ FB/ GTalk status publicity will suffice.

4. Simple 'Hi/Hello' is a preliminary greeting for fellow members. 'Kya chal raha hai' may follow later.

5. ForEx students should have an equal right for 'fancy' positions.

Guess, this is enough. Add more in the comments part, if anything new is required. The following people have already registered. Now, please select your own fancy posts.

Karthik, Aditi, Indranil, Ramakrishnan (France Chapter head), Arjun



  1. Update - MPF registered with media co-ordinator

  2. Hi, this is me, officially registering for the non-official club :) umm my choice of post would be - Designing Head

  3. On behalf of Amit Choudhary(Stallion)

    Added as a Convener :D

  4. The France Chapter Head and Gen sec upon Arrival would like to suggest an alternate naming to our prestiged institution. In keeping with our short found heritage I propose to call ourselves The Peoples of Mango Forum henceforth to be called the PMF. I ask the head mango to take a call on this matter upon consultation with the media mango who might assess the media impact of such a move.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey nice one..designations of ur choice without facing soap-box...kool...aam-aadmi types... :)
    So after much deliberation I choose the post of Vice President...and I hereby declare a vacancy for secretary ( females only :))

  7. I Amit Kumar Stallion hereby officialy declare my services as the Convener of the PMF, i will use my strong windpipe to voice and adress the concerns of PMF apart from doing the normal chillam chilli as a cheerleader!!!!! Jai Ho PMF

  8. I, Raghav Mehta, hereby declare myself as the official "questions asker :)" of the PMF. I shall raise suitable questions on the activities of various other designation-holders of the PMF.

  9. I Aditi Sheel hereby declare that I will work as the official Planning Head of the PMF to the best of my ability. I will plan all the vella events during all the vella time that we have so that we enjoy the vella time that we have in a more (un)productive way. Jaao mangoes Jaao!

  10. Mera number kab aayega??? This is not fair..... Such crucial and important student bodies cannot be formed so late in the day... I wouldn't have volunteered for Place Comm had I known..... I only wish to be recognised as an Honorary Mango. I hope the President Mango and Convenor Mango will consider my request.

    To avoid any clash of interest with my current duties I would like to declare myself Chairman Emeritus (non-executive and non-working) of the PMF. I hope I am considered.

  11. Aspiring Placecom mago
    Under Consideration. Pls feel Free to join our Facebook group. upon approval by the Mango Committee- Or the Big Mangoes ( Headed by head Mango) we shal take a call.

    Mango ingly Yours
    Gen Sec Mango

  12. On a another matter altogether. I feel like eating a Mango!

  13. I, Devanshi Mittal would like to offer my coveted services to the PMF as 'The CEO' of the forum. I would provide the necessary leadership and the vision(that the President is unsure of) to the forum. I will be involved in the toughest decision making, i.e my primary responsibility will not to be to make day to day decisions but to empower other forum members to make the majority of those(day-to-day) decisions with only those critical, long term, high investment, futuristic decisions reserved for ME. Also, I will provide 5 kgs of mangoes per annum to motivate and reward the forum members for the hardwork that they are expected to put in.

  14. Sine I guess DOC cant b a part of our community hence VP-Finance(HATE d term CFO rhymes with UFO more like) for me.

  15. I,Ashish Gupta, hereby confirm my position as BRAND DAMAGER of PMF.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hey I would like to join also..I would like to vote for the position of unofficial photographer. my time is not precious, I do not hv any missions or visions in life , I do not care about my studies :)..Any event, non-event photo soto to mujhe yaad karo...

  18. i confirm my participation in this noble initiative, as promised to the founder member i promise ill be a non performing asset to the core.

  19. Is there any Post I can stand for ???? If not I would still like to be a member of PMF !!!

  20. Hey ..include me also in ur Mango forum.

  21. Oye....I am the MEDIA COORDINATOR.
    I also have the responsibility to delete/approve the posts besides Mr. Chawla.

    Do I sound Bossy.. !! Well, guys u got me...grrrr

  22. Hey.. its surprising to see such a HARDLY working Forum even without a hint of pals who strive to sleep in class. Considering this crucial importance, I myself volunteer to the post of Yawners' Club Convener cum Co-ordinator. I would work to the best of my abilities to ensure best performance in class for all Yawners Club members. with u zz.. for u zzzZZ... AlwayzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZ.....
